Why does my bottom partial denture hurt?
Most people think that the dentures put too much pressure on the gum, and so it hurts when they chew. However, when a patient has very little bone left in the jaw, the nerves which normally run deep inside the lower jaw is usually the the cause of the pain.
Is it normal for partials to hurt?
It’s completely normal to experience gum pain or discomfort in the first few weeks of wearing new dentures. It’s even possible to experience some pain with your current dentures as your gums and bone structure change over time.
How long does it take for partial dentures to feel comfortable?
It can take time to get accustomed to your new dentures and may be 4-8 weeks before you are completely used to them. They may seem very bulky at first and feel as if they are pushing your lips out, but this is perfectly normal and the feeling will subside in due course.
Why are my dentures so uncomfortable?
So why do dentures become uncomfortable? The jawbone beneath the dentures is continuously eroding and without tooth roots, which were lost along with the missing teeth, the jaw bone becomes thinner with time. The gums also become thinner and lose their ability to grip tightly to the dentures to keep them in place.
How do I keep food from getting under my partial denture?
If you are having trouble eating, follow these tips:
- Take small bites of soft foods, such as eggs and yogurt.
- Don’t eat anything sticky.
- Chew your food slowly.
- When you chew, use both sides of your mouth at the same time. This prevents your dentures from moving forward or tipping.
Do partial dentures hurt at first?
Initially, you may be asked to wear your partial denture all the time. Although this may be uncomfortable at first, it’s the quickest way to identify areas that may need adjustment. If the denture puts too much pressure on a particular area, that spot will become sore. Partial denture can also help improve your speech.
How do you break in new dentures?
When you get your new dentures, practice speaking in private. Try reading aloud from your favorite book or talking to yourself until you feel comfortable. Singing along with your favorite songs can also help you get used to form words. In no time, you’ll feel confident speaking with your new dentures.
Can you eat an apple with partial dentures?
If partials are being used to replace your front teeth, biting into an apple or corn on the cob may not be possible. If you enjoy these foods, attempt smaller than usual bites. Better still, use utensils to cut the food into small pieces before attempting to eat them.
Can you bite with partial dentures?
Avoid using your front teeth If your partial dentures are in the front of your mouth, biting down on food will be difficult and can damage your dentures.