Which are the trains available to Guntur from Hyderabad?
Other Guntur to Hyderabad Trains
- LPI INTERCITY #12795. Departs on:SMTWTFS.
- PALANADU SF EXP #12747. Departs on:SMTWTFS.
- MAS HYB EXPRESS #12603. Departs on:SMTWTFS.
- NS HYB SPL #07258. Departs on:SMTWTFS.
- HWH SC SUF EXP #12703. Departs on:SMTWTFS.
- HYDERABAD EXP #07116. Departs on:SMTWTFS.
- HYB AWB SPL #07049.
- NS LPI EXPRESS #17255.
How many trains Guntur to Secunderabad?
There are 23 direct trains from Guntur Junction to Secunderabad Junction which includes 11 daily trains, 9 weekly trains, 2 biweekly trains and 1 triweekly train.
What are the trains available from Guntur to Secunderabad?
Guntur Jn Secunderabad Jn Train Schedule
- Janmabhoomi Exp (12805) 13:15. GNT. 05:00.
- Visakha Express (17015) 01:15. GNT. 06:15.
- Narayanadri Exp (12733) 00:30. GNT.
- Sabari Express (17229) 06:35. GNT.
- Palanadu Sf Exp (12747) 05:45. GNT.
- Golconda Exp (17201) 06:00. GNT.
- Lpi Intercity (12795) 18:17. GNT.
- Coa Ltt Express (17221) 13:35. GNT.
Are trains running in Guntur?
There are 43 weekly trains running from Guntur Jn. There are 5 trains originating , 35 trains passing and 3 trains terminating at Guntur Jn Railway station. The first train originating/passing from Guntur Jn departs at 00:15.
How can I go to Guntur from Hyderabad?
The fastest way to reach from Hyderabad to Guntur is flight to Vijayawada Airport, then cab to Guntur and takes 3h 10m. The recommended way to reach from Hyderabad to Guntur is train to Guntur Jn and takes 4h 30m. Train numbers 02704, 07202 etc. Buses from Sai Sanvika Travels, Morning star travels, Yamani Travels etc.
What is the distance from Hyderabad to Guntur via Vijayawada?
Q. What is the distance between Hyderabad to Guntur? A. The Distance between Hyderabad to Guntur by road is 306KM.
Where is Janmabhoomi Express?
Hyderabad is located in the state of Andhra Pradesh and Vishakhapatnam is located in the state of Andhra Pradesh. The two cities are located at a distance of 689kms….Janmabhoomi Express -12806 ( Secunderabad Junction to Vishakapatnam )
Station name (code) | Ramannapet (RMNP) |
Arrives | 08:19 |
Departs | 08:20 |
Stop time | 1 min |
Are trains running from Bangalore to Guntur?
There are 4 weekly trains and 2 daily trains that run from Bangalore to Guntur Jn , covering the shortest distance of about 479 km by KONDAVEEDU EXP(17212).
How many platforms are there in Guntur railway station?
Guntur Junction railway station
Guntur Junction | |
Operated by | South Coast Railway zone |
Line(s) | Guntur–Tenali section Guntur–Krishna Canal section Guntur–Macherla section Pagidipalli–Nallapadu section Nallapadu–Nandyal section Tenali–Machelra section |
Platforms | 7 |
Tracks | 10 |
Which airport is near to Guntur?
The nearest International Airport from Guntur is Rajiv Gandhi International Airport, Hyderabad, roughly five hour drive from Guntur.
Are buses running from Hyderabad to Guntur?
Several private and RTC buses have started running on Hyderabad to Guntur post Covid-19 lockdown. You can check the total number of available buses by selecting the date of travel on Hyderabad to Guntur route and book the most suitable bus ticket.