What is the correct order for early embryonic development in animals?
What happens during early embryonic development?
The early stages of embryonic development begin with fertilization. The process of fertilization is tightly controlled to ensure that only one sperm fuses with one egg. After fertilization, the zygote undergoes cleavage to form the blastula.
Which ball of cells embryonic stage is impermeable to water?
The term morula is used to describe this solid ball of cells. The cells are clustered close to one another and water is prevented from entering the spaces between the cells. This changes, however, toward the end of the morula stage.
Where does the embryo of mammals develop?
The placental mammalian embryo grows inside the uterus attached via the placenta to the maternal blood supply, where it is nourished and protected.
Which of the following is first formed during embryonic development?
In the first stages of embryonic development, a single-celled zygote undergoes many rapid cell divisions, called cleavage, to form a blastula, which looks similar to a ball of cells. Next, the cells in a blastula-stage embryo start rearranging themselves into layers in a process called gastrulation.
What type of embryonic development describes mammals?
Mammalian embryogenesis is the process of cell division and cellular differentiation which leads to the development of a mammalian embryo. A mammal develops from a single cell called a zygote, which results from an ovum (egg) being fertilized by a single sperm.
What are the three types of ways embryos can develop in mammals?
1. Prototheria (before gestation) – egg laying mammals, 2. Metatheria (middle gestation) – pouched mammals and 3. Eutheria (true gestation) – live birth from uterus.
Where does embryonic development occur in mammals?
Embryonic development in mammals occurs in the uterus; however, the development of the uterus and its role in gestation differs considerably among different mammalian taxa (Vaughan et al., 2011 ).
How does the mammalian embryo obtain nutrients from its mother?
The mammalian embryo obtains nutrients directly from its mother and does not rely on stored yolk. This adaptation has entailed a dramatic restructuring of the maternal anatomy (such as expansion of the oviduct to form the uterus) as well as the development of a fetal organ capable of absorbing maternal nutrients.
What chapter is fertilization and early embryo development in biology?
Fertilization and Early Embryonic Development – Concepts of Biology – 1st Canadian Edition Chapter 24. Animal Reproduction and Development 24.6. Fertilization and Early Embryonic Development
What is the development of a human embryo from fertilization to implantation?
Development of a human embryo from fertilization to implantation. Compaction of the human embryo occurs on day 4 when it is at the 10-cell stage. The embryo “hatches” from the zona pellucida upon reaching the uterus. During its migration (more…)