What is scp-3004?
SCP-3004 is a Keter-class SCP that refers to a series of violent anomalous events occurring in Christian communities, caused by instances of SCP-3004-2, a species of cicada resembling the extinct Cicadetta luculenta, made up of wood and glass.
What exactly is scp-409?
The effect appears to be similar to a seed crystal, where a pre-existing crystal formation is added to a solution, causing the crystal to “grow”. SCP-409, however, appears to do this with all solid matter, and does not need to remain in contact.
What are the scp-3004-1 rituals?
All of These rituals are used to fuel SCP-3004-1, a pistiphage existing in a dimension simultaneously within and “above” baseline reality, a godlike being that believes itself to be the Christian god. Originally, the rituals were caused by SCP-2852, but after the appearance of SCP-3004, SCP-2852 instances ceased appearing.
What happened to the cétlaidí after SCP 3004-1?
After SCP-3004-1 manifested itself in reality, the Cétlaidí and their impact on the world was wiped from existence by a variety of anomalous objects, hoping to starve SCP-3004-1. It disappeared for some time and was thought dead, but it eventually reappeared, having moved on to feeding from Christianity rather than the now nonexistent Cétlaidí.