What is rule of side lower berth in train?
Passengers will require to pull up the folding from the side of the seats and place it on the top of the berth. When the two seats (side lower) are joined, it leaves an uneven gap in the middle. Passengers often complained of back pain during the journey due to its design when they sleep.
What is side upper and side lower in train?
Middle berth: Only preferred if your family member is on lower berth. Also people, who can not get lower berth, go for middle berth then. Upper berth: Best for overnight journey, if you can climb easily.
Where is lower berth in train?
- if (seat_number % 8) equals 1 or 4, then berth is a lower berth.
- if (seat_number % 8) equals 2 or 5, then berth is a middle berth.
- if (seat_number % 8) equals 3 or 6, then berth is an upper berth.
- if (seat_number % 8) equals 7, then berth is a side lower berth.
Which berth is side lower?
4. Side Lower Berth. Side lower berth is like a normal lower berth but the position of both the side berths is just at an right angle to the other six berths in the compartment. Side berths are parallel to the walkway.
What is the meaning of lower berth?
1. lower berth – the lower of two berths. lower. built in bed, bunk, berth – a bed on a ship or train; usually in tiers.
What is lower berth?
Lower berth in a coach which is allocated as senior citizen quota berths are lower berths earmarked only for male age of 60 years and above/female age of 45 years and above, when traveling alone or two passengers ( under mentioned criteria traveling on one ticket.
What is berth?
A berth is a bed, usually stacked like bunk beds, on a train or a ship. If you’re on an overnight train, you may want to spring for a berth instead of sitting up all night. You may have heard the phrase “to give someone a wide berth — that means to give them plenty of space.
What is side lower berth?
Indian Railways has revamped its seating system on the side lower berth to ease the journey of the commuters. The side berth is now designed in order to even the gap between the two seats that can make it comfortable for the passengers when they’d want to sleep or rest their back.
Which berth is comfortable in train?
The general, 2nd seating or AC chair car coaches do not have the facility of sleeping. They are best suitable for day time journey. Thereafter, sleeper, 3rd AC, 2nd AC and 1st AC coaches have the facility of sleeping and comfortable for long and very long overnight journeys.
What are the different types of train berths?
You have mainly three choices in trains: lower, middle and upper berths. There are also side lower and side upper berths. In this post, we will be going to discuss about advantages and disadvantages of different types of train berths.
Is it good to take the middle berth on a train?
However, some people think middle berth is good for them because it is lower in height than the upper berth. Passengers who cannot climb up the upper berth can use the middle berth also if a lower berth is not available.
What are the disadvantages of the side upper berths in trains?
The only disadvantage of side upper berth is its shortness in length, due to which a taller person may find it difficult to fit himself as already said regarding side lower berths too.
What is the berth preference in Indian Railways form?
Indian railways form has an option for berth preference. Despite selecting a lower berth as berth preference we did not Get A Lower Berth Seat on the train.