What is lambda HindIII DNA marker?
Thermo Scientific Lambda DNA/HindIII Marker is recommended for sizing of linear double-stranded large DNA fragments in agarose gels. Lambda DNA is digested to completion with the appropriate Thermo Scientific restriction enzyme(s) and purified and dissolved in storage buffer.
What is lambda DNA?
Lambda DNA, a linear, double-stranded phage DNA containing 12 bp single-stranded complementary 5′-ends, is derived from an Escherichia coli bacteriophage (Bacteriophage lambda cI857 Sam7). Lambda DNA can also be used as a substrate in restriction enzyme activity assays.
Why is lambda DNA used as a standard?
Phage lambda DNA is a common substrate for restriction endonucleases and for generating DNA size marker fragments. For large scale isolation of phage DNA, cI857Sam7, a mutant carrying four known mutations, is used. The DNA sequence used to construct a phage alpha restriction map includes these mutations.
Who discovered lambda?
Lambda was originally discovered in 1951 by Esther Lederberg (1951) at the University of Wisconsin (Madison), when she serendipitously found it was released from the laboratory Escherichia coli strain K-12 after ultraviolet irradiation.
What kind of enzyme is HindIII?
Endonuclease HindIII is a type II restriction enzyme which recognizes and cleaves the palindromic sequence AAGCTT in the presence of Mg2+.
How many fragments will HindIII cut lambda DNA into?
The HindIII digest of lambda DNA yields at least 6 fragments suitable for use as molecular weight standards for gel electrophoresis. This is called a ladder. After the sample is ran, the unknown fragments can be compared with the ladder fragments to determine the approximate size of the unknown DNA bands by how they match up to the known bands of the ladder.
What is the restriction site for HindIII?
Thermo Scientific FastDigest HindIII restriction enzyme recognizes A^AGCTT site and cuts best at 37°C in 5–15 minutes using universal FastDigest Buffer. Thermo Scientific FastDigest HindIII is one of an advanced line of fast restriction enzymes that are all 100% active in the universal FastDigest and FastDigest Green reaction buffers.
How many Lambda DNA fragments does BamHI make?
Lambda DNA to completion with HindIII, followed by heat inactivation of the enzyme. The resulting 7 fragments range from 564 base pairs to 23.13 kilobases in size. 564, 2027, 2322, 4361, 6557, 9416, 23130 bp (A 125 bp fragment is present but usually not seen.) The λ Hind DNA Ladder is supplied ready to use in loading buffer containing dye.
What is the function of DNA ligase and DNA helicase?
Yes, they are absolutely equally important. All of them have their own fundamental role to play in DNA replication. Here are the roles of each: * DNA helicase unwinds DNA, ready for transcription (a strictly technical diagram) * DNA polymerase all…