What is Hysys software used for?
Aspen HYSYS is the energy industry’s leading process simulation software that’s used by top oil and gas producers, refineries and engineering companies for process optimization in design and operations.
What is a multistage compressor?
Multi staging is simply the compression of air or gas in two or more cylinders in place of a single cylinder compressor. Multistage compression refers to the compression process completed in more than one stage i.e. a part of compression occurs in one cylinder ( L.P. This makes compressor lighter and cheaper.
How does compressor surge happen?
Surge occurs when there is no forward flow of gas through the compressor and a reversal of flow occurs. The gas that is being compressed gets pushed backward through the centrifugal compressor. When this surge (flow reversal) occurs, which can happen in milliseconds, the rotor is affected.
Is HYSYS available for Mac?
Many simulation software are based on windows. hYSYS IS blong to aspen now. Aspen never develop the simulation software for mac os . So you just can use virtual os to install that.
What is isentropic head?
Isentropic Head In an isentropic compression the compression process is adiabatic (does not allow for any heat exchange with the surroundings) and also reversible (no mechanical friction, viscous losses etc. and therefore no entropy change).
Why is multistage compressor used?
It is used to reduce the temperature of compressed air during the compression stages. The inter-cooling reduces the volume of air which used to increase due to heat. The compressed air from the first stage enters the intercooler where it is cooled.
When would you use a multistage compressor?
Multi stage air compressor is used in places where high pressure air is required. Fig. shows the general arrangement of a two-stage air compressor. It consists of a low pressure (L.P) cylinder, an intercooler and a high pressure (H.P) cylinder.
Can HYSYS be used to create a compressor model?
First it is noted that HYSYS does provide some advanced capabilities in the compressor model: Ability to add centrifugal compressor curve information – it is possible to add multiple curves relating head to actual volume flow for different speeds. However, this method is not well-suited to the format of the reciprocating curves shown here.
How do you set up a HYSYS case?
First we set up the HYSYS case – this particular compressor is a two-stage compressor, so the PFD appears as follows: The suction drums and inter/after stage coolers are also included in the model. We specify the suction and discharge pressures/temperatures, but leave the flowrate to be calculated by the spreadsheet.
Can HYSYS calculate the capacity (flowrate) of a refrigerated gas plant?
We would like to have HYSYS calculate the capacity (flowrate) assuming that the suction and discharge pressures are known. In refrigerated gas plants, it is common for suction pressure to be controlled, while the discharge pressure is known (i.e., the backpressure to the plant).