What is eibport?
INSTALLATION GUIDE and USER MANUAL eibPort Art.-Nr.: 10100 / Art. 10200 Integrated Software5 Doc. Rev. 1.01o eibPort Überall Zuhause Integrated Software Integrated Software eibPort contains an embedded Web Server which serves a number of JAVA applets. Services can be programmed and configured by using a browser and can be saved in eibPort.
How to program eibport using EIB RS232?
Hereby eibPort is connected via EIB RS232 using a serial cable and programmed using the ETS, just like another EIB component. LAN eibPort has the pre-assigned IP address of within the BCU. Configure the computer which you will be using to be within the same address room (for example
What software do I need to use eibport?
Table of Contents3 Doc. Rev. 1.01o eibPort Überall Zuhause Applications Applications Welcome to eibPort. To use eibPort, you do not require any special software. The software will be automatically installed when you connect to eibPort. The only requirement is that you use a standard internet browser with activated JAVA-support.
How does the EIB port work with KNX?
The integrated VPN server makes the setup especially easy. The EIB PORT also functions as an IP router in the KNX installation and as a programming interface to the ETS.