What is DrJava?
Git Repository DrJava is a lightweight programming environment for Java designed to foster test-driven software development. It includes an intelligent program editor, an interactions pane for evaluating program text, a source level debugger, and a unit testing tool.
What version of Java do I need to use DrJava?
To use DrJava, you will need Java 6 or newer. – DrJava is now compatible with Java 8 and perhaps with future editions of Java.
What is the latest stable release for DrJava?
This stable release for DrJava is drjava-stable-20120818-r5686. d If your browser has trouble with the buttons above, try right-clicking and selecting “Save Link As…” on these hyperlinks: [Jar File][Windows App]i [Mac OS X App] Current Eclipse Plug-in
What happened to DrJava’s Java build script?
The DrJava build script (build.html) now uses Java 8. Won’t compile with java 8. It says it compiles, but the console reports an incompatibility with the compiler and no .class file is created. For a new java user that led to a lot of head scratching.