What is ASM?
ASM integrates current analyzer measurement data based on standard industrial communication protocols from the analyzer directly, as well as from other Process Control Systems. The scalable system grows along with the customer requirements as ASM projects are adapted to customer specific requirements.
What is Analyzer System Manager (ASM)?
The Analyzer System Manager (ASM) is a monitoring system which helps improve device performance, including measured value quality, and optimize maintenance planning based on the device data. ASM lets you visualize the device performance, evaluate plant KPIs, and establish the basis for predictive maintenance with the aid of data analytics.
Why choose ASM as your electronics supplier?
As the world’s largest supplier of best-in-class equipment and technological process partner for the electronics industry with almost 15,000 employees, ASM today supports electronics manufacturers all over the world in setting up their Integrated Smart Factory.
What does ASM Pacific do?
ASM Pacific is a subsidiary of ASM International NV of the Netherlands. With the move, ASM Pacific will expand its product portfolio by entering into the surface mount technology (SMT) equipment business.