What does it mean by mobilizing the public?
In other words, social mobilization seeks to facilitate change through a range of players engaged in interrelated and complementary efforts. The process usually takes the form of large public gatherings such as mass meetings, marches, parades, processions and demonstrations.
What does mobilize mean in medical terms?
Mobilization is a manual therapeutic technique that fosters movement in stagnant tissues and joints. Mobilization is based on the theory that the manual manipulation will help initiate and promote the healing process of the affected soft tissues.
Why is mobilizing so important?
Resource mobilization is critical to any organization for the following reasons: Ensures the continuation of your organization’s service provision to clients. Supports organizational sustainability. Allows for improvement and scale-up of products and services the organization currently provides.
Which of the following are the key concepts of mobilization?
Social mobilization included group formation, group meetings and collective decision making, awareness building, group management, group savings, income-generation activities, empowerment, linkages with other projects and organizations at the field level, and so forth.
What is mobilization in the body?
In times of stress when the body requires energy, fatty acids are released from adipose cells and mobilized for use. The process begins when levels of glucagon and adrenaline in the blood increase and these hormones bind to specific receptors on the surface of adipose cells.
What is total mobilization?
Total Mobilization occurs when the President and the Congress activate the entire Armed Forces, as well as all national resources to meet the requirements of war or other national emergencies involving an external threat to the national security.
What are some impacts of resource mobilization?
What does it mean to mobilize a substance?
To liberate material stored in the body; more specifically, to move a substance from tissue stores into the bloodstream. 2. To excite quiescent material to physiologic activity. [Fr. mobiliser,to liberate, make ready, fr. L. mobilis,movable] Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 mobilize (mō′bə-līz′) v.mobi·lized, mobi·lizing, mobi·lizes
What is the definition of mobilization in the military?
1. to assemble (armed forces) into readiness for active service: to mobilize troops. 2. to organize or adapt for service in time of war or other emergency: to mobilize industry. 3. to bring together or marshal for action or use: to mobilize support. 4. to make mobile; put into action.
How is public opinion publicized?
Public opinion is publicized through the media, often by pundits who promulgate elite views. Have you ever participated in an opinion poll? Did you feel that you were able to adequately convey your feelings about the issues you were asked about?
What is the meaning of mobiclized?
v.mobi·lized, mobi·lizing, mobi·lizes v.tr. To release or make available, as cells or chemical substances: hormones that mobilize calcium from bones. mo′bi·li·za′tion(-lĭ-zā′shən)n.