What color is this #FFD700?
#FFD700 is a great light yellow shade for your next project. Scroll down for #FFD700 color information, color shades and color usage information….Hex #FFD700.
Category | yellow (light yellow) |
HEX | #FFD700 copy to clipboard |
RGB | R 255 G 215 B 0 RGB (255, 215, 0) copy to clipboard |
HSL | H 50.59 S 1 L 0.5 |
CMYK | C 0% M 16% Y 100% K 0% |
What is the color code for Ochre?
Ochre is a yellowish-brown color with the hex code #CC7722, the overarching name for a whole family of earth pigments derived from iron oxide.
What Colour is FFF 666?
The hexadecimal color code #fff666 is a medium light shade of yellow. In the RGB color model #fff666 is comprised of 100% red, 96.47% green and 40% blue. In the HSL color space #fff666 has a hue of 56° (degrees), 100% saturation and 70% lightness. This color has an approximate wavelength of 571.71 nm.
What is the color code of gold?
The hex code for gold is #FFD700.
What is the color code for royal blue?
The royal blue hex code is #4169e1.
What color family is ochre?
Ochre is a family of earth pigments, which includes yellow ochre, red ochre, purple ochre, sienna, and umber. The major ingredient of all the ochres is iron(III) oxide-hydroxide, known as limonite, which gives them a yellow colour.
How do you get yellow Ochre color?
How To Mix Yellow Ochre
- Start with any base yellow. In the picture above I used cadmium yellow.
- Add a touch of red to darken and warm the yellow.
- Add a touch of blue to darken and desaturate the yellow.
- Make any further adjustments as necessary.
What is a good CMYK gold?
Gold 1: C9 M22 Y65 K2. Gold 2: C0 M0 Y21 K20. Gold 3: C21 M39 Y81 K17. Gold 4: C1 M2 Y35 K0.
What hex is orange?
The hex code for orange is #FFA500. Orange is a fresh, youthful, and creative color.