What are the dangers of chain letters?
Letters send out by spammers may not be great threats to your internet security, but they may impose on your privacy and that of your friends. Spammers may use chain letters to collect new e-mail addresses and send out advertisements for their products and services – often times, of questionable quality. Online fraud.
Is sending chain letters illegal?
What makes chain letters illegal? A chain letter sent through the U.S. Postal Service violates state and federal mail fraud and lottery laws (15 USC § 1302, Wis. Even if the chain letter itself is not mailed, as long as the payment or prize is sent through the mail the entire scheme is illegal.
How do you decline a chain letter?
Just tell your friend point blank that you do not want to participate in the chain letter and to please not send you that one or any other chain letters. If they do send you one, you are not obligated to carry it forward. Just throw it away.
Why are chain letters so popular in the UK?
Chain letters, naturally, proliferated there because they were uniquely suited to the format. Instant distribution ensured that death hoaxes (e.g. “if you don’t pass this on to 10 people in the next hour you’ll die”), luck letters (e.g. “send this to 15 of your friends and something good will happen to you”), and the like were everywhere.
Are these chain letters from the Internet true?
These chain letters have been obtained from the internet and I DO NOT own any credit. The credit goes to the authors. Also, these chain letters are NOT TRUE. These have been created for entertainment purposes only.
Why do people send text message chains?
Text message chains are generally sent because they’re amusing, and not because the senders want their recipients to do something. (One Tumblr user is cataloguing them here, and it’s a fascinating read.)
Who gets the credit for these chain letters?
The credit goes to the authors. Also, these chain letters are NOT TRUE. These have been created for entertainment purposes only.