How much is a trademark extension?
You must pay a fee of $125 per class of goods or services for filing an extension request.
What is the USPTO filing fee?
Number of marks: Only one mark may be filed per application. If you have multiple marks, they require separate applications, each with its own filing fee….Initial application fee for electronic filing.
Option 1: TEAS Plus | Option 2: TEAS Standard |
$250 per class of goods/services | $350 per class of goods/services |
How much are USPTO maintenance fees?
The current USPTO Fee Schedule indicates that the fees due at each maintenance interval are as follows: 3-3.5 years: $1,600 for large entities and $800/$400 for small/micro entities. 3.5-4 years: the amount above plus another $160 for large entities or $80/$40 for small/micro entities.
How do I file a USPTO extension?
Applicants must file extension requests through the Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS) at, unless an exception to the requirement to file electronically applies. See 37 C.F.R. §2.23(a); TMEP §301.01.
What is a statement of use USPTO?
A Trademark Statement of Use is an affirmation made by the Applicant to the USPTO that the trademark is in fact, now “In Use” in interstate commerce, and is rendered by submitting a form provided by the USPTO.
What is the difference between teas plus and teas standard?
TEAS Standard applicants do not need to select an identification of goods and/or services from the Trademark ID Manual or satisfy the other TEAS Plus requirements at the time of filing. TEAS Plus is a way to decrease the risk of refusal if an existing goods/service category is strategically good for your business.
What happens if you fail to pay the maintenance fee for a patent?
If a patent owner does not pay the maintenance fees on a patent, they may lose their rights as the owner of the patent. If a patent has lapsed due to the owner’s failure to pay maintenance fees, the patent may still be revived for up to two years after the lapse, if the delay in paying the fees was unintentional.
What is USPTO action?
What is an office action? An office action is an official letter sent by the USPTO. In it, an examining attorney lists any legal problems with your chosen trademark, as well as with the application itself. You must resolve all legal problems in the office action before we can register your trademark.
How do you prove a trademark is used?
The USPTO accepts proof of use in the form of specimens. The specimens are submitted electronically with an in-use trademark application, the Statement of Use, or an Amendment to Allege Use. They must legibly display the trademark exactly as shown in your trademark application.