How do I move a table from one tablespace to another in Oracle 11g?
select ‘ALTER TABLE ‘||owner||’. ‘||table_name||’ move tablespace ‘||’new_tablespace_name parallel 8;’ from dba_tables where tablespace_name=’DATA’; Use above sql query result and execute them to move tables from one tablespace to new tablespace.
How do I move a table to another tablespace?
We can move the indexes & tables to separate tablespaces using the below query. ALTER TABLE [TABLE_NAME] MOVE TABLESPACE TEST_TBL; ALTER INDEX [INDEX_NAME] REBUILD TABLESPACE TEST_TBL; Above queries are possible to move 1 to 2 indexes & tables, but in application schema, there might be 1000’s of tables & indexes.
How can I change the tablespace of a table in Oracle?
To alter the SYSAUX tablespace, you must have the SYSDBA system privilege. If you have ALTER TABLESPACE system privilege, then you can perform any ALTER TABLESPACE operation….ALTER TABLESPACE
- Take the tablespace online or offline.
- Begin or end a backup.
- Make the tablespace read only or read write.
How do I move a table in the same tablespace in Oracle?
‘||segment_name||’ MOVE;’ (the full query works with all type of data objects like table partitions, index partitions and subpartions). This will move the object into the same tablespace to the firsts freespace on the tables and free up space in the end of the file allowing the shrink.
What is table move in Oracle?
The move_table_clause lets you relocate data of a nonpartitioned table or of a partition of a partitioned table into a new segment, optionally in a different tablespace, and optionally modify any of its storage attributes.
How do I move a partitioned table from one tablespace to another in Oracle?
The sample partition move command is as follows: ALTER TABLE USER. TABLE_NAME MOVE PARTITION PARTITION_NAME TABLESPACE NEW_TABLESPACE NOLOGGING; Since there may be many partitions in a table, you can use the script that I shared first, instead of running the commands one by one.
How do I move a table from one tablespace to another tablespace in Oracle?
First run: SELECT ‘ALTER TABLE >. ‘||LOWER(TABLE_NAME)||’ MOVE LOB(‘||LOWER(COLUMN_NAME)||’) STORE AS (TABLESPACE );’ FROM DBA_TAB_COLS WHERE OWNER = ” AND DATA_TYPE like ‘%LOB%’; This moves the LOB objects to the other tablespace.
What does the table move handle look like?
The Table Move handle, shown below, appears in the upper-left corner anytime the mouse passes over the table or you actually select something in the table. Click and press Backspace to delete the entire table and its contents (in Page Layout view in Word 2007 and 2010 ).
How do I move a partitioned index to another tablespace?
At the same time as you recreate the index, you can move the partition to a new tablespace or change attributes. For composite-partitioned tables, use ALTER INDEX… REBUILD SUBPARTITION to rebuild a subpartition of an index. You can move the subpartition to another tablespace or specify a parallel clause.
How do you move a lob segment to another tablespace?
Move Lob Segment to Another Tablespace in Oracle You can move any lob segment to another tablespace as follows. ALTER TABLE OWNER. TABLE_NAME MOVE LOB(LOB_COLUMN) STORE AS (TABLESPACE NEW_TABLESPACE_NAME);
How can I reort a table in Oracle 12c?
Step By Step Blueprint For Oracle Table Reorg – Index Rebuild
- Step1 – Stop Application.
- Step2 – Login To The Database.
- Step3 – Run PRE-Checks.
- Step4 – Generate Reorg Scripts.
- Step5 – Rename Tablespaces To _OLD.
- Step6 – Create New Tablespaces.
- Step7 – Run the maintenance scripts.
- Step8 – Verify Index Status.