How do I get rid of Inspire energy?
Yes, you can cancel your Inspire service at any time with no cancelation fees. Reach out to our Member Experience Team by email at [email protected], chat with us, or call us directly toll-free at (866) 403-2620 Monday through Friday, 9 am to 6 pm ET if you have any questions about your service.
Is Peninsula clean energy cheaper than PG&E?
PCE’s “default” option, EcoPLUS, is both cleaner and cheaper than PG&E’s default product. Customers can choose to “opt up” to PCE’s 100% renewable option, ECO100, which is slightly more expensive than PG&E’s default product.
Does inspire energy cost more?
Will Inspire cost more than my current utility? Inspire uses its technology platform to calculate personalized subscription offers for each of our customers. Each subscription offer gives the customer peace of mind that their price will stay the same each month for the duration of their contract.
How do I opt out of Peninsula clean energy?
OPT OUT: You may request to opt out of Peninsula Clean Energy at any time by calling (866) 966-0110.
Does inspire save you money?
Because it’s a true flat monthly fee, and not just a flat per kilowatt-hour charge, Inspire’s incentives are aligned with the customer’s, said Maloney. The less energy their customers use, the more money the company makes, which enables Inspire to offer customers rewards for the energy-saving actions they take.
What is Peninsula clean energy charge?
PCE is a not-for-profit, public agency that sources 50-100% renewable energy for your electric generation. PCE replaces PG&E’s charge for electric generation, and at more competitive rates. PG&E continues to provide and bill for electric delivery services. Gas services are not provided by PCE.
What is Peninsula clean energy electric generation charge?
PCE Electric Charges. This is PCE’s charge for generating the electricity that powers your home or business. This charge replaces what PG&E would otherwise charge. These charges are detailed on Page 4 of your Sample Bill. PG&E Electric Delivery Charges.
Is Peninsula clean energy cheaper?
How does it work? Peninsula Clean Energy sources cleaner, cheaper, electricity than you currently receive from PG&E, and PG&E delivers it.
How does inspire energy make money?
Based on those dynamics, Inspire can quote a customer, say, $89 per month for their 100 percent wind power plan. The customer pays the same subscription price, every single month. The flat subscription fee model has worked in other retail sectors, like music and movies.
What kind of company is inspire?
Inspire is a Certified B-Corp and clean energy technology company on a mission to transform the way consumers access clean energy and accelerate a net-zero carbon future. Inspire makes it easy to make an impact and support a healthier planet.
How much does inspire charge per kWh?
Residential Electricity Rates by State
State | August 2020 Rate (cents per kWh) |
California | 20.77 |
Colorado | 12.84 |
Connecticut | 22.13 |
Delaware | 12.15 |