Are mmol/l the same as mEq L?
“Meq” is a unit of measurement that is referred to as one-thousandth of an equivalent of a chemical. Meq is used to measure substances with electrolytes. “Mmol,” on the other hand, is a unit of measurement that is referred to as one-thousandth of a gram molecule.
Is mmol equivalent to mEq?
Thus, for ions that have a charge of one, one milliequivalent is equal to one millimole. For ions that have a charge of two (like calcium), one milliequivalent is equal to 0.5 millimoles.
How many mEq of potassium are in mmol?
Each mL of potassium phosphate contains 4.4 milliequivalents (mEq) of potassium and 3 millimoles (mmol) of phosphate.
How do you calculate mEq to mmol?
Example 1:
- mg to mEq: Convert 750 mg of KCl (MW = 74.5 mg/mmol, valence = 1) to mEq = 10.07 mEq.
- mg to mEq: Convert 30 mg of calcium (Ca++) (atomic weight = 40.08 mg/mmol, valence = 2) to mEq = 1.5 mEq.
- mg to mmol: Convert 100 mg of phosphorus (P) (atomic weight = 31 mg/mmol) to mmol = 3.23 mmol.
How do you calculate mmol mEq?
The equation to get mEq is therefore [(30 mg)(2)]/(58.44 mg/mmol) = 1.027 mEq. Since there are 400 mL = 0.4 L, the concentration in mEq/L is therefore 1.027/0.4 = 2.567 mEq/L.
How much is a mmol L?
The mmol/L unit is the molar concentration, also known as millimolar (mM). This is equal to 18.0182 mg/dL. In the US, the miligrams per deciliter, mg/dL is preferred. This is equal to 0.0555 mmol/L.
Is mmol/L the same as meq L?
In this regard, is mmol/l the same as mEq L? Very often, the measure is used in terms of milliequivalents of solute per litre of solution (or milliNormal, where meq/L = mN). For example, 1 mmol (0.001 mol) of Na+ is equal 1 meq, while 1 mmol of Ca++ is equal 2 meq.
What is the MEQ of Na+ in mmol?
Very often, the measure is used in terms of milliequivalents of solute per litre of solution (or milliNormal, where meq/L = mN). For example, 1 mmol (0.001 mol) of Na+ is equal 1 meq, while 1 mmol of Ca++ is equal 2 meq. Subsequently, question is, how many mEq of potassium are in mmol?
What is the formula for mEq L?
mEq / L = mmol / L x valence. mEq / L = (mg/dl x 10 x valence) ÷ mol wt. mEq / L of Ca 2+ = (10 x 10 x 2) ÷ 40 = 5 mEq / L. mEq / L of phosphate = (3.5 x 10 x 1.8) ÷ 31 = 2 mEq / L. Click to see full answer. In this regard, is mmol/l the same as mEq L?
What is the difference between MEQ and millimole?
For instance, milliequivalent is used as a unit of measurement for a particular substance, and the same thing is applicable to millimole. Meq refers to one-thousandth of an equivalent. It is used most times as the unit of measurement for chemicals, especially electrolytes.