What is sourcing vs sinking?
Sink and Source are terms used to define the flow of direct current in an electric circuit. A sinking input or output circuit provides a path to ground for the electric load. A sourcing input or output provides the voltage source for the electric load.
What is a sourcing sensor?
With a sourcing sensor, your input voltage powers the load. It is a transistor logic output that switches the DC positive voltage. The sensor is the source of the current required to power the load. Current supplied by the sensor passes through the load second and then to ground.
Is PNP sinking or sourcing?
PNP sensors are current-sourcing devices, and NPN sensors are current-sinking devices. A current-sourc- ing sensor must be connected to a current-sinking input.
Is NPN sink or source?
PNP sensors are sometimes called “sourcing sensors” because they source positive power to the output. NPN sensors are sometime called “sinking sensors” because they sink ground to the output.
What is PLC source?
in plc sink means plc accepted voltage from sensor or input side while source means plc cpu output voltage.
What is PNP and NPN in sensor?
As they are normally referred, PNP and NPN sensors are both supplied with positive and negative power leads, then produce a signal to indicate an “on” state. PNP sensors produce a positive output to your industrial controls input, while NPN sensors produce a negative signal during an “on” state.
How do I know if my sensor is PNP or NPN?
“Switched” refers to which side of the controlled load (relay, small indicator, PLC input) is being switched electrically. Either the load is connected to Negative and the Positive is switched (PNP), or the load is connected to Positive and the Negative is switched (NPN).
What is sourcing output?
Sourcing Output: The device’s output signal powers the output circuit. It must be connected to a receiving device that provides no power and acts as a resistive load, such as a 2-wire transmitter. Sinking Input: the device receiving the input signal does not provide power.
What is PNP NO sensor?
What is the difference between sinking and sourcing input devices?
1) If the input device is a sourcing type, the PLC input module must be a sinking type. 2) If the input device is a sinking type, the PLC input module must be a sourcing type. Adding confusion to already murky concepts, some vendors refer to Sinking and Sourcing input devices as NPN and PNP.
What is sinking and sourcing in plc?
These active devices will be labeled as either Sinking or Sourcing. If you recall, earlier we said that when there are two devices with current flowing between them, one device will be sourcing and one will be sinking. 1) If the input device is a sourcing type, the PLC input module must be a sinking type.
What are sink/source I/O circuits?
Sink/source I/O circuits combine sinking and sourcing capabilities. This means that the I/O circuitry in the PLC will allow current to flow in either direction, as shown below. The common terminal connects to one polarity, and the I/O point connects to the other polarity (through the field device).
What is a sinking digital I/O?
A sinking digital I/O provides the ground needed in the circuit. The digital input provides the load required for the circuit to work. Figure 1 shows a sinking digital output that is connected to a sourcing digital input. In this circuit, the load is pulled to ground because of the sinking digital input provided.