What percent of colposcopy is normal?
About 4 in every 10 people who have a colposcopy have a normal result. This means no abnormal cells were found in your cervix during the colposcopy and/or biopsy and you do not need any immediate treatment. You’ll be advised to continue with cervical screening as usual, in case abnormal cells develop later on.
Can colposcopy be normal?
About 4 in 10 colposcopy results are normal. This means no cell changes (abnormal cells) were found in your cervix during colposcopy or biopsy. You can have a normal colposcopy result even if you had an abnormal cervical screening result. This is because cervical screening does not diagnose cell changes.
What is a satisfactory colposcopy?
Satisfactory colposcopy is defined as visualization of the entire squamo-columnar junction and margins of any visible lesions. The squamo-columnar junction may be difficult to visualize in its entirety, which is a requirement of a satisfactory colposcopic examination.
What does it mean if my colposcopy is normal?
About 4 in every 10 people who have a colposcopy have a normal result. This means no abnormal cells were found in your cervix during the colposcopy and/or biopsy and you do not need any immediate treatment.
What is a colposcopia and how is it performed?
Una colposcopia es una forma especial de examinar el cuello uterino. Se utiliza luz y un microscopio de baja potencia para hacer que el cuello uterino aparezca mucho más grande. Esto le ayuda a su proveedor de atención médica para encontrar y hacer biopsias a las áreas anormales del cuello uterino.
How do I get a colposcopy or biopsy?
La colposcopia puede ser hecha por el profesional de atención primaria o por un ginecólogo, un médico que se especializa en el diagnóstico y el tratamiento de las enfermedades del aparato reproductor femenino. Por lo general, la prueba se hace en el consultorio. Si se encuentra tejido anormal, también se puede hacer una biopsia.
Can cervical abnormalities be treated with colposcopy?
Studies have found that the vast majority of women who have been treated for cervical abnormalities do not develop cervical cancer, even up to eight years after treatment 3), 4), 5). Treatment to remove abnormal cells from your cervix can be done at the same time as a colposcopy if it’s obvious that some of the cells in your cervix are abnormal.