Are CB radios good for emergencies?
CB radios can provide essential communication between families and Emergency Responders. Also, Channel 9 on CB is scanned by police to get emergency communications regarding accidents, medical issues, and other emergencies.
What does S RF mean on CB?
S/RF is the signal length, and it indicates the strength of the outgoing signal. “S” is the received signal strength in units of S. “RF” means the radio signal power, usually in Watts. Legitimate CB radios are limited to 5 Watts.
What is the Dynamike on a CB?
The Dynamike setting will control PA volume. Please note that you will hear CB reception through the PA speaker. This is a feature to allow you to monitor CB traffic while out of your vehicle. If you do not want to hear the CB reception, just turn the volume control down.
What does Dynamike do on a CB radio?
DYNAMIKE – This control amplifies your voice to make you sound louder. It is like a built-in power mike. Normally you would have this control turned all the way up. If you are using a power mike and you experience squealing or distortion, try turning down the Dynamike.
Do all CB antennas need to be tuned?
Tuning your antenna is mandatory if you want acceptable CB performance. Not tuning your antenna will result in poor transmission and reception performance, and can also result in permanent damage to your radio. You’ll need an SWR meter (available for around $25) in order to tune your antenna.
How do you tune a CB?
Find an open area. Drive your vehicle to an open parking lot or field; make sure there are no trees,buildings or other obstructions within 15 meters.
How to tune a CB antenna without a SWR meter?
Gather everything you need.
How do you tune a CB antenna?
Hook the SWR meter to the antenna. How do you do that?
How to tune a CB radio?
Set up the SWR tool. You’ll need to use the coaxial cables to attach it to the antenna and the radio.