How do I contact SKAT DK?
The fastest and easiest way to find answers to your questions is by going to or by calling us….Write to us.
Agencies | Phone number |
Danish Motor Vehicle Agency | 72 22 15 15 |
Danish Debt Collection Agency | 70 15 73 04 |
Danish Customs Agency | 72 22 12 12 |
What is Fradrag in Denmark?
Fradrag directly translates to deduction, and in the world of taxes it’s the money on which you are not expected to pay taxes. In practical terms, it means that every year, you are not taxed for the first 50.000 DKK of your earnings (which is the personal allowance).
What is B SKAT in Denmark?
Read. B-income is income on which tax and labour market contributions (AM-bidrag) have not been withheld by your employer, for example if you work freelance or have been paid a fee for giving a concert or a lecture. It is your responsibility to pay tax and labour market contributions on such income.
Are pensions taxed in Denmark?
In Denmark, pension contributions are exempt from taxation when they are paid into the pension fund. This means that you will not need to pay tax on pension contributions transferred to your pension fund. Instead, tax will be deducted when you request for your pension savings to be paid out.
What is AM Bidrag Denmark?
In addition to municipal taxes, all employees in Denmark also pay a labour market contribution (AM-bidrag) of 8 percent. This is a tax, which, among other things, covers in the event of unemployment and sickness benefits and expenditure for training and activation.
How do you read a Danish payslip?
Your payslip must include the following:
- Employer information. – Name, address and CVR/SE number.
- Payment period and income year.
- Salary before deduction of tax.
- Number of working hours.
- Pension scheme contributions.
- Labour market contributions (AM-bidrag) withheld.
- A-tax withheld.
- Tax card information.
What is personal allowance in Denmark?
The personal allowance is a total of DKK 46.600 (2022) and is deducted from income before municipal and state tax. You must be taxable in Denmark for one full income year to receive the full deduction.
What is CVR number in Denmark?
A CVR number is a number that all companies in Denmark must have in order to be identified. It is used, among other things, to create a bank account for business purposes and to set up insurance for your business. Your CVR number can also be used as a VAT number if your business is VAT registered.
How long does it take to get tax card in Denmark?
If you have completed the form in full and attached or enclosed the documents required, you will receive a preliminary income assessment (forskudsopgørelse) within two weeks. At the top of your preliminary income assessment, you will see your personal tax number.
Do you pay tax on SU?
While you receive SU you have also an option to get an SU loan. This is a loan from the government that you are free to use on anything you’d like. The amount is approximately 2500 DKK and it is tax free.
Do I have to pay church tax in Denmark?
Denmark. The members of the national Church of Denmark pay a church tax, called “kirkeskat”. The rate varies among municipalities with a minimum of 0.4% and a maximum of 1.3% of taxable income in 2019. The tax is generally around 0.7% of taxable income.