What is a macrobiotic menu?
Generally, the macrobiotic diet is divided roughly as follows: Around 40-60 % of your food = wholegrains such as brown rice, barley, oats, buckwheat. Around 20-30% of your food = fruits and vegetables. Around 10% – 25% = bean and bean products such as tofu, miso and tempeh as well as sea vegetables such as seaweed.
Why is it called a macrobiotic diet?
The word macrobiotic comes from the Greek words macro, which means large or long, and bio, which means life. The macrobiotic diet was developed by a Japanese philospher called George Ohsawa. It is a strict diet with rules about what you eat and how you cook your food.
How do you eat a macrobiotic diet?
Overview. The main foods in a macrobiotic diet are whole grains, local fresh veggies, sea veggies, and beans. You can also eat seasonal fruits, nuts, seeds, and white fish two to three times per week. You do not eat meat, dairy, and most other animal products, certain fruits and veggies, and some common drinks.
Is oatmeal macrobiotic?
Macrobiotic Breakfast Foods For the basis of any breakfast dish, some great grains for breakfast include, but are not limited to: Brown rice. Steel-cut oats. Rolled oats.
Are oats macrobiotic?
All food is considered to have both properties, with one dominating. Brown rice and other whole grains such as barley, millet, oats, quinoa, spelt, rye, and teff are considered by macrobiotics to be the foods in which yin and yang are closest to being in balance.
How do you make macrobiotic food?
Bake, broil, or steam your foods. Baking works well for protein sources like tofu or fish and certain vegetables, such as potatoes, corn cobs, or carrots. Steaming is great for grains and veggies. Broiling is a good option for vegetables and fish. It’s okay to boil beans, lentils, and grains.
Are onions macrobiotic?
Best Macrobiotic Vegetables to Start Eating. In macrobiotics, we consider the food as a whole. Squash, turnips, onions and broccoli are round vegetables.