What is 1 PSI equal to in kPa?
1000 Pascals
The conversion ratio from psi to kPa can be determined as follows: 1 kPa = 1000 Pascals (Pa)…kPa pressure related products.
psi | kPa | 🔗 |
1 | 6.89476 | 🔗 |
2 | 13.7895 | 🔗 |
3 | 20.6843 | 🔗 |
4 | 27.579 | 🔗 |
How do you calculate kPa to PSI?
Convert pressure values from kPa units to psi pressure units using the following method:
- 1 psi = 6894.76 Pascals (Pa)
- 1 kPa = 1000 Pascals (Pa)
- psi value x 6894.76 Pa = kPa value x 1000 Pa.
- psi value = kPa value x 0.145038.
What is the conversion factor for kPa?
A pressure measured in millimetres of mercury can be converted to a kilopascals reading using the following conversion factor calculation: 1 kPa = 1000 pascals (Pa) 1 mmHg = 133.322 pascals (Pa) kPa value x 1000 Pa = mmHg value x 133.322 Pa.
What is KPI in PSI?
A KPI, stands for “Kilo-pounds-per-inch.” More accurately, KPI should be displayed as KPSI, or “kilo-pounds per-square-inch.” A single “KPSI,” is the measure of “kilo” of pounds per square inch, or 1000 pounds per square inch. For example, a KPSI value of 1 will have a PSI value of 1000.
How do you convert kPa to meters?
Hence, to convert Kilopascal to Meter of Head, we just need to multiply the number by 0.10199773339984.
How do you convert kPa to m3?
Type in the amount you want to convert and press the Convert button….Kilopascals to Metres of water.
1 Kilopascals = 0.102 Metres of water | 10 Kilopascals = 1.0197 Metres of water | 2500 Kilopascals = 254.94 Metres of water |
2 Kilopascals = 0.2039 Metres of water | 20 Kilopascals = 2.0395 Metres of water | 5000 Kilopascals = 509.87 Metres of water |
Which is a larger unit of pressure 1 kPa or 1 PSI?
Since there are 1,000 Pascals in a kilopascal: 1 PSI = 6.895 kPa and 1 kPa = 0.145 PSI.
What does kPa mean in pressure?
The pascal (Pa) or kilopascal ( kPa ) as a unit of pressure measurement is widely used throughout the world, particularly in countries which follow the metric system. (most of Europe) and in some industries is largely replacing the pounds per square inch (psi) unit. 1 kPa is equal to 0.145038 PSI.
PSI stands for Pounds per Square Inch, whereas PSIG stands for Pounds per Square Inch Gauge. PSI is a measure relative to a vacuum. On the other hand, PSIG is a measure relative to the atmospheric pressure.