Which method is called when a fragment is not connected to the activity?
onDestroyView() is called when fragment’s view is being destroyed, but the fragment is still kept around. onDestroy() is called when fragment is no longer in use. onDetach() is called when fragment is no longer connected to the activity.
How to check if fragment is attached to activity or not?
Fix solution:
- Cancel the background thread when pausing or stopping the Fragment.
- Use isAdded() to check whether the fragment is attached and then to getResources() from activity.
How to check if fragment is attached or not android?
Another problem is to detect when fragment is visible to user. The easiest solution was to add code to. userVisibleHint = true to previous method but we will not cover case when user click back button ( popBackStack() executes).
Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState Android?
Short And working Solution : Step 1 : Override onSaveInstanceState state in respective fragment. And remove super method from it. Step 2 : Use fragmentTransaction. commitAllowingStateLoss( );
What is the difference between onCreate and onCreateView?
onCreate is called on initial creation of the fragment. You do your non graphical initializations here. It finishes even before the layout is inflated and the fragment is visible. onCreateView is called to inflate the layout of the fragment i.e graphical initialization usually takes place here.
What is onCreateView in Android?
onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle) creates and returns the view hierarchy associated with the fragment. onActivityCreated(Bundle) tells the fragment that its activity has completed its own Activity.
How can I change fragment from one Android to another?
Use replace() to replace an existing fragment in a container with an instance of a new fragment class that you provide. Calling replace() is equivalent to calling remove() with a fragment in a container and adding a new fragment to that same container. transaction. commit();
How can I change fragment from one android to another?
What is commitAllowingStateLoss?
commitAllowingStateLoss(): A transaction can only be committed with this method prior to its containing activity saving its state. If the commit is attempted after that point, an exception will be thrown. This is because the state after the commit can be lost if the activity needs to be restored from its state.
What is difference between ADD and replace fragments Android?
One more important difference between add and replace is this: replace removes the existing fragment and adds a new fragment. This means when you press back button the fragment that got replaced will be created with its onCreateView being invoked.