What is the main message of the Transfiguration?
In this passage God affirms Jesus as his Son, confirming his deity, and telling the disciples to listen to him. Peter, James, and John now see a glimpse of Jesus’ true glory: God the Son, who reigns eternal, and against whom the gates of hell shall not prevail.
What does Jesus represent in the Transfiguration?
Moses and Elijah appear and stand beside Jesus. This symbolises that Jesus is their successor and has fulfilled both. He is now bringing a new covenant from God for all people. When God’s voice is heard, He is reassuring the disciples that even though Jesus must suffer they must listen to him and obey him.
What does transfiguration mean biblical?
a change in form
1a : a change in form or appearance : metamorphosis. b : an exalting, glorifying, or spiritual change.
Why was Moses and Elijah at the Transfiguration?
There is a long-standing tradition that the reason Moses and Elijah appear with Jesus at the Transfiguration is that they represent the Old Covenant. Moses is the giver of the law and Elijah, the greatest of the prophets. Therefore together, they represent “the law and the prophets”.
What is an example of Transfiguration?
When a person’s appearance changes dramatically, that’s one kind of transfiguration. A magician changing a dove into a bouquet of flowers also performs a transfiguration. The word shows up frequently in religious writing as well, describing a more spiritual kind of change.
What is another word for Transfiguration?
Some common synonyms of transfigure are convert, metamorphose, transform, transmogrify, and transmute.
What truth do we learn from Peter James and John’s experience on the Mount of Transfiguration?
What truth do we learn from Peter, James and John’s experience on the Mount of Transfiguration? God confers Priesthood keys upon His chosen servants so they can direct His work upon the earth.