How does laminaria dilate the cervix?
A laminaria stick is a dried bundle of laminaria that’s been compressed into a stick. When inserted into the vagina, a laminaria stick absorbs the moisture and expands. This gently opens (dilates) the cervix. Laminaria can also be taken as an oral supplement.
How long does it take for laminaria to work?
Once placed there the laminaria will absorb moisture over the next 12-24 hour and dilate your cervix to about 5-7 mm. This little bit of dilation is very important in most, but not all cases.
What does laminaria look like?
Laminaria are thin rods or sticks of sterile seaweed, approximately the size of a matchstick. We insert laminaria into the cervix. There they swell gently in the moist environment, dilating the cervix.
What does a laminaria do?
Laminaria seems to be able to form a thick, sticky gel when it comes into contact with water. This allows laminaria to work as a bulk laxative. It also allows laminaria “tents” that have been placed inside the cervix to expand the cervix for procedures or to “ripen” the cervix and speed up the onset of labor.
Can you shower with laminaria?
You may go to the bathroom as you normally do. You may shower, but do not allow any water to enter your vagina. while the laminaria is in place, as it may increase your risk of infection.
What is a medical laminaria?
Laminaria: A thin piece of sterile seaweed that can be used to gradually dilate the cervix. CONTINUE SCROLLING OR CLICK HERE.
What is laminaria abortion?
Laminaria are thin sticks made from a special seaweed material that widen as they absorb moisture from your body. Dilapan are synthetic sticks that work in the same way. The laminaria will stay in your cervix overnight and prepare your body for the surgical procedure.
What is a laminaria procedure?
Laminaria are sterilized, dried seaweed that absorb fluid from the vagina and slowly expand to dilate your cervix (the opening of the uterus). You have had laminaria placed in your cervix in order to gently open your cervix and prevent injury during your surgery or induction.
How does Laminaria work for abortion?
As the laminaria stick swells, it will safely and gradually dilate (open) the cervix in preparation for the abortion procedure. When is laminaria used?
How do Laminaria sticks help induce labor?
Laminaria sticks can be used to help the cervix prepare for birth, and they’re usually the first step in a medical induction. Sometimes the insertion of the laminaria stick and the following dilation of the cervix is enough for your body to go into labor spontaneously.
What is the Laminaria procedure?
The Laminaria procedure is typically used in second trimester abortions (after 15 weeks gestation) that require cervical dilation prior to evacuation. Using laminaria eliminates the need to use additional surgical tools to complete the abortion process safely and effectively.
What should I expect after the Laminaria is inserted?
Once the laminaria stick is in place you will be given an opportunity to rest, during which time you may experience some light cramping and spotting. If the cramping becomes particularly painful, it can be treated with over-the-counter medications such as Advil or Tylenol. In many cases, women feel nothing at all after the laminaria is inserted.