What is Setropts RACF?
• The SETROPTS command in RACF (mainframe. computer security software) is where you set options. • You can see how the options are set by issuing • SETR LIST.
How do I change my TSO password?
If you want to change your z/OS password, select Change Password, and complete the following steps:
- In the Current password field, enter your current z/OS password.
- In the New password field, enter a new z/OS password.
- In the Confirm password field, retype your new z/OS password.
What is the minimum number of password interval for a user ID?
0 days
The initial system default is 30 days for the maximum change interval (INTERVAL) and 0 days for minimum change interval (MINCHANGE). The value MINCHANGE(0) allows users to change their passwords and password phrases more than once each day.
What are RACF classes?
Defines the installation’s custom fields. Controls access to MCS or SMCS consoles. Also controls conditional access to other resources for commands originating from an operator console.
How do you create a class in RACF?
Defining a RACF class and profile for the CIM server
- To be able to build the dynamic class WBEM, activate the class descriptor table (CDT) using the following RACF command: SETROPTS CLASSACT(CDT) RACLIST(CDT)
- By adding a profile to the IBM® class named CDT, you can create a new class definition.
What is TSO segment?
If a user logs on to TSO and you have defined a TSO segment in the user’s profile, TSO checks the user’s authority to use certain TSO resources such as account numbers and logon procedures. If the user is authorized to use a resource such as an account number, TSO continues building a session for the user.
What is RACF password?
In RACF®, that authenticator can be either a password or a password phrase. A password is a traditional one to eight character alphanumeric value. A password phrase is a character string that consists of mixed-case letters, numbers, and special characters including blanks.
Why do we need TSO?
What is TSO? Time Sharing Option/Extensions (TSO/E) allows users to create an interactive session with the z/OS® system. TSO provides a single-user logon capability and a basic command prompt interface to z/OS. Most users work with TSO through its menu-driven interface, Interactive System Productivity Facility (ISPF).
What is the maximum number of password interval for a user ID RACF?
60 days
User AEH0 wants to change his password from XY262 to YZ344 and increase his change interval to 60 days. User AEH0 is RACF-defined. The maximum installation change-interval is at least 60 days.
What is the difference between minimum and maximum password age?
The Maximum password age policy setting determines the period of time (in days) that a password can be used before the system requires the user to change it. If Maximum password age is set to 0, Minimum password age can be any value between 0 and 998 days.
What are the RACF rules for noexpired?
When NOEXPIRED is specified, the password or password phrase value you supply is subject to certain rules. Those rules include the basic RACF rules for password phrase syntax and any password syntax rules set by the installation through the SETROPTS PASSWORD (RULEn) command.
Is it RACF’s fault if a non-expiring password stops working?
It has been my experience that when a non-expiring password stops working, it is never RACF’s fault.
How does RACF decide which security categories to deny access to?
If a user requests access to a data set, RACF compares the list of security categories in the user profile with the list of security categories in the data set profile. If RACF finds any security category in the data set profile that is not in the user’s profile, RACF denies access to the data set.
How does RACF prevent a user from accessing the system?
Specifies that RACF is to prevent the user from accessing the system. The user’s profile is not deleted from the RACF database, and the user’s data sets are not deleted from the RACF data set. If you specify the date, RACF prevents the user from accessing the system, starting on the date you specify.