What does Wabi Kusa mean?
Wabi Kusa is the art of arranging different aquatic plants growing on a substrate medium in the shape of a ball. The term “wabi-sabi” in Japanese, means something that is natural yet imperfect in which one can find beauty.
How do I use Wabi Kusa?
The compulsive power of Wabi-kusa is undeniable. Once the Wabi-kusa is placed in the Plant Glass container a few inches of water are added, depending on the plants and the shape of container you have. Once this is done, simply place the Wabi-kusa under a suitable light for plant growth, like the Do!
Who invented Wabi Kusa?
Takashi Amano
A technique originally utilized by the late Takashi Amano, wabi-kusa is essentially a compressed ball of substrate, which various marginal or aquatic plants are grown from. Three Wabi kusa made using [ SA ] Substrate Balls.
What is Wabi Kusa tank?
A wabi kusa is basically a small, coherent portion of plant substrate (usually soil), often formed into balls, with different aquatic plants growing on and from it. Takashi Amano liked to use Wabi-Kusas to efficiently plant bigger aquarium tanks.
What is Wabi Kusa aquarium?
A wabi kusa is basically a small, coherent portion of plant substrate (usually soil), often formed into balls, with different aquatic plants growing on and from it. The plants are in their emersed form. Takashi Amano liked to use Wabi-Kusas to efficiently plant bigger aquarium tanks.
Are Amano shrimp named after Takashi Amano?
The Amano shrimp (Caridina multidentata) was introduced to the aquatic hobby by Takashi Amano as a means of controlling the growth of algae in the 1980s. The shrimp was therefore named after him.
Will Amano shrimp eat hair algae?
Amano shrimp are the best algae eaters out there, as far as shrimp go. They eat hair algae, brush algae, most types of string algae, and are one of the few things that will even eat black beard algae.
What do Oto catfish eat?
An Otocinclus feeds on soft algae buildup growing on hard surfaces of the tank. That’s why its important to make sure the tank is clean, but not “too clean”. Otocinclus food can also include supplements such as algae wafers and even some fresh vegetables like green zucchini slices.
Do snails eat hair algae?
Algae with softer filaments are eaten by invertebrates like Amano shrimp and most dwarf shrimp species. Even snails like the highly popular ramshorn snails will go after the filamentous hair algae coats. It is important to give the algae lots of competition on the form of a large number of fast-growing aquarium plants.
Do shrimps eat fish poop?
Shrimp won’t eat fish waste like poop, unfortunately. If they eat it, it might be because they’ve mistaken the poop for food. Shrimp will only help clean up after food leftovers from the bottom of the tank or dead plants and fish.
How do you feed Oto?
An Otocinclus feeds on soft algae buildup growing on hard surfaces of the tank. That’s why its important to make sure the tank is clean, but not “too clean”. Otocinclus food can also include supplements such as algae wafers and even some fresh vegetables like green zucchini slices.