What is Bioslurping?
Bioslurping is the adaptation and application of vacuum-enhanced dewatering technologies to remediate hydrocarbon-contaminated sites. Bioslurping utilizes elements of both, bioventing and free product recovery, to address two separate contaminant media.
What are bioremediation techniques?
“Bioremediation is a waste management technique that includes the use of living organisms to eradicate or neutralize pollutants from a contaminated site.” “Bioremediation is a ‘treatment techniques’ that uses naturally occurring organisms to break down harmful materials into less toxic or non-toxic materials.”
What is a remediation system?
Environmental remediation systems reduce a job site’s environmental impact tremendously. Using soil and groundwater remediation systems, a company that works with a heavy load of chemical pollutants or other environmental contaminants can reduce the ecological harms those contaminants do.
What is insitu and Exsitu technique in bioremediation?
In in situ bioremediation, contaminants are treated at the same site using biological systems. In ex situ bioremediation, contaminants are treated in some other place from the original site. Bioremediation processes are cost effective, safe and nature-based methods over the chemical and physical methods.
Where is bioventing used?
Bioventing is most often used at sites with mid-weight petroleum products (i.e., diesel fuel and jet fuel), because lighter products (i.e., gasoline) tend to volatilize readily and can be removed more rapidly using SVE.
What is Bioslurping bioremediation?
Bioslurping combines elements of bioventing and vacuum-enhanced pumping of free-product to recover free-product from the groundwater and soil, and to bioremediate soils. Much like a straw in a glass draws liquid, the pump draws liquid (including free-product) and soil gas up the tube in the same process stream.
What is an example of Bioaugmentation?
Biofiltration systems are commonly used for eliminating contaminants found in the soil or groundwater. Some examples of biofilters include treatment ponds, slow sand filters, and bioswales.
How pH and o2 affect bioremediation process?
The results of investigation showed that soil oxygen conditions and soil pH have significant effects on the remediation of DDT-contaminated soil by laccase. This study found a positive correlation between the concentration of oxygen in soil and the degradation of DDT by laccase.