Who first received the Holy Spirit?
Elisha the prophet, KEPHEL (Hebrew noun for “the Double” – JOB 11:6) of the apostle John Bar-Zebedee whose name in Hebrew means “Son of the GIFT/Dowry”. Elisha received a double portion of Elijah’s spirit when Elijah ascended back into heaven.
Who exactly is the Holy Spirit?
For the majority of Christian denominations, the Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Holy Trinity – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and is Almighty God. As such he is personal and also fully God, co-equal and co-eternal with God the Father and Son of God.
Why do you need the Holy Spirit to be a witness of holiness?
The Holy Spirit gives believers the power to live like Jesus and be bold witnesses for Him. Jesus said in John 16:7 that it was to our benefit that He would go away so we would receive the Holy Spirit: “But in fact, it is best for you that I go away, because if I don’t, the Advocate won’t come.
How can you know the Holy Spirit in your life?
Signs of the holy spirit presence are found in a person who will talk about how God is speaking to them and giving them direction or instructions for every step they take. When a believer is led by the Holy Spirit, they will obey God’s Word, and go in the direction that He wants them to go.
How long did the disciples wait for the Holy Spirit?
Answer: The Holy Ghost came down upon the Apostles ten days after the Ascension of our Lord; and the day on which He came down upon the Apostles is called Whitsunday, or Pentecost. With its roots in the 19th century, the Baltimore Catechism uses the term Holy Ghost to refer to the Holy Spirit.
Why is the Holy Spirit a person?
In the New Testament, the divine Spirit of God, the Holy Ghost, becomes more personal. In Jesus’ farewell message in the Gospel of John Chapters 14 through 16, Jesus speaks of the Holy Spirit as if He is speaking of a personal friend. He refers to Him as that One (Greek: ekeinos) using the masculine personal pronoun.
How do you know if you are filled with the Holy Spirit?
Signs of being filled with the holy spirit is the evidence of speaking in tongues. After salvation, a believer can be baptized in the Holy Spirit and they will speak in tongues. “And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.”
What are the four spirits of God?
Including the Spirit of the Lord, and the Spirits of wisdom, of understanding, of counsel, of might, of knowledge and of fear of the LORD, here are represented the seven Spirits, which are before the throne of God.
How will you know if God is talking to you?
Hearing voices, seeing visions, words that leap off the pages of the Bible. Does God really speak in such real, tangible ways? Nudges, feelings in your heart, the sense of something larger.