What formulas should I put in my calculator for the ACT?
Can you use a TI-84 calculator on the ACT?
The TI-84 Plus graphing calculator is allowed during the entire portion of the math section of the ACT. You can use your TI graphing calculator to work through problems more efficiently, help verify answers, and model a difficult word problem.
Is a TI-89 allowed on the ACT?
What Calculators Are Allowed on the ACT? For example, the SAT allows the TI-89 (a popular calculator), while the ACT forbids it. For the ACT, you can bring any calculator that does NOT have computer algebra system (CAS) functionality.
Can I use a TI 30x IIS on the ACT?
Ideal for general math, pre-algebra, algebra I and II, geometry, statistics and general science. The TI-30XIIS™ scientific calculator is approved for use on SAT®, ACT® and AP® exams.
Can I use a TI 34 on the ACT?
The TI-34 MultiView™ scientific calculator is approved for use on SAT®, ACT®, and AP® exams.
Can you use TI-89 ACT?
Can you use a TI 83 on the ACT?
Although graphing capabilities are not necessary for ACT success, students accustomed to using a graphing calculator may want to find an acceptable replacement. TI-83 and TI-84 models are approved. Many schools have used these calculators in the classroom for years, so students are familiar with them.
Are TI 84 calculators allowed on the ACT 2021?
One of the common questions among ACT examinees is, “Are TI 84 calculators allowed on the ACT”? The answer is yes, Texas Instruments TI-84 Plus Graphing Calculator may not be as advanced as the other calculators, but its complete functions and ease of use always make it a great option.
Is ti-83 allowed on ACT?
TI-83 Plus or TI-84 Plus for the ACT Those are also high performing, fully-functional calculators that are great for the ACT. And if you’re using one of these models at school, it may be best to use it on the test because you’re familiar with it. DO NOT buy this calculator for the ACT – it is NOT ALLOWED on the ACT.