What are Australian and New Zealand Standards?
Australian/New Zealand Standards are developed by Standards Australia, an independent organisation that prepares and publishes voluntary technical and commercial standards which are sometimes adopted by occupational safety and health regulations.
Who is responsible for Australian Standards?
Mandatory standards They are developed by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) in conjunction with public and industry consultation.
Who forms part of a Standards Australia Technical Committee?
We bring together more than 5,000 technical, business, academic, government and community experts to form technical committees. Representing their industry, consumer associations, government, scientific or academic institutions, these committee members are nominated by organisations.
What are Australian Standards WHS?
Australian Standards are published documents setting out specifications and procedures designed to ensure products, services and systems are safe, reliable and consistently perform the way they are intended to. They establish a minimum set of requirements which define quality and safety criteria.
What is the role of Standards Australia?
What role does Standards Australia play in the Standardisation process?
Standards Australia develops internationally aligned Australian Standards® in the national interest through a process of consensus. We are also responsible for ensuring Australia’s viewpoint is heard and considered in the development of International Standards, and their subsequent adoption as Australian Standards®.
How does an Australian Standards become law?
Australian Standards are only legally enforceable when they are incorporated by the legislature into legislation. It is very commonplace for standards to be incorporated into the law. For more information regarding the mandatory nature of certain standards, you should consult your commercial solicitor.
How do Australian Standards become law?
How are joint committees managed by Standards Australia?
The day-to-day operation of joint committees is managed by Standards Australia or Standards New Zealand, according to which country holds secretariat responsibilities for the committee. Secretariats are allocated on the basis of demonstrable interest, expertise, and financial resources.
What are standards New Zealand and Standards Australia doing?
Standards New Zealand and Standards Australia jointly encourage the adoption of international standards first and the development of joint standards where this is not possible.
When was AS/NZS 4452 published?
AS/NZS 4452:1997 This Joint Australian/New Zealand Standard was prepared by Joint TechnicalCommittee CH/9, Safe Handling of Chemicals. It was approved on behalf Council of Standards Australia on 31 December 1996 and on behalf Council of Standards New Zealand on 23 December 1996. It was of of thethepublished on 5 March 1997.
What is the Australian/New Zealand standard for protective helmets?
Australian/New Zealand Standard ™ Protective helmets for vehicle users. Originated in Australia as AS E33—1959. Originated in New Zealand as NZS 5430:1992. Final Australian edition AS 1698—1988. AS 1698—1988 and NZS 5430:1992 jointly revised and designated as AS/NZS 1698:2006.