What is aquifer thickness?
Definition: Saturated thickness is the vertical thickness of the hydrogeologically defined aquifer in which the pore spaces of the rock forming the aquifer are filled (saturated) with water.
How do you find the thickness of an aquifer?
The saturated thickness of the aquifer may be determined from published reference boring/well logs or field data. The saturated thickness of the aquifer has the dimensions of length. For confined units, the saturated thickness will correspond to the thickness of the aquifer.
Is the rate of flow under a unit hydraulic gradient through a unit width of aquifer of given saturated thickness?
2.7.4 Transmissivity The rate of flow under unit hydraulic gradient through a cross-section of unit width over the whole saturated thickness of the aquifer (Bear, 1979; Kruseman and de Ridder, 1990), 2.
What is the unit of specific yield?
Specific Yield (Sy) is the volume of water removed from a unit volume of an unconfined aquifer for a unit drop in water level; this quantity is also defined as the volume of water that will drain by gravity from a saturated unit volume of an aquifer and is equivalent to the effective porosity [−].
What are aquifer parameters?
Aquifer parameters are determ- ined by conducting pumping tests in the field. The principle of an aquifer test is that a well is pumped and the effect of this pumping on the piezometric head in the vicinity is measured.
What is K in Darcy’s law?
k is called the permeability, a parameter specific to each soil or rock, which can be a scalar or a second-order tensor if the medium is anisotropic, and μ is the dynamic viscosity. Physically, Darcy’s law is the result of the integration of the Navier–Stokes equations in the very complex geometry of the pore space.
What is aquifer yield?
In groundwater management the safe yield is the rate at which groundwater can be withdrawn from an aquifer with out causing an undesirable adverse effect (Dottridge and Jaber, 1999; Heath and Spruill, 2003). The traditional definition of the safe yield assumes the pumpage rate equal to the total recharge.
What is the specific storage of an aquifer?
Specific storage, which represents the aquifer’s capacity to release water from or take into storage when water level changes, is an important aquifer property required for transient groundwater modeling and water resources management. Specific storage is positively correlated with porosity of the aquifer.
What is the unit of storage coefficient?
Storativity or the storage coefficient is the volume of water released from storage per unit decline in hydraulic head in the aquifer, per unit area of the aquifer. Storativity is a dimensionless quantity, and is always greater than 0.
How is the determination of aquifer parameters?
Among the field methods, pumping test is the most reliable and standard method for determining K and other hydraulic parameters of aquifer systems. Field methods include tracer test, auger-hole method, slug test, and pumping test.