How to use MEMSIZE option in SAS?
proc options option=memsize; run; Setting MEMSIZE to 0 is used as a test that can determine a good value to set for MEMSIZE. To determine the optimal setting of MEMSIZE, execute a SAS procedure or DATA step with the FULLSTIMER option and MEMSIZE set to 0.
How do I set Memsize to Max in SAS?
Setting the Size of MEMSIZE Setting MEMSIZE=MAX sets MEMSIZE to 80% of physical memory. Setting MEMSIZE to MAX is the same as setting MEMSIZE to 0. Setting MEMSIZE to MAX is reasonable only if no processes that consume large amounts of memory are likely to become active after SAS has started.
How to set MEMSIZE SAS?
You can use the MEMSIZE= system option to increase the amount of memory available to SAS and therefore decrease processing time. By increasing memory, you reduce processing time because the amount of time spent on paging, or reading pages of data into memory, is reduced.
Where is the SAS configuration file?
The default configuration location is c:\program files\SASHome\SASFoundation\9.4\nls\en\sasv9. cfg. SAS requires a configuration file, so you must use a SAS configuration file regardless of whether you are using interactive or batch mode.
What is the output of proc options options?
displays the option’s value and scope, as well as how the value was set. If the value was set using a configuration file, the SAS log displays the name of the configuration file. If the option was set using the INSERT or APPEND system options, the SAS log displays the value that was inserted or appended.
How can I improve my SAS performance?
To improve the performance of a SAS job, we must reduce the number of times SAS accesses disk or tape devices. We can reduce the number of data accesses by processing more data each time a device is accessed by setting the BUFNO=, BUFSIZE=, CATCACHE=, and COMPRESS= system options.
What is SAS configuration file?
A configuration file contains SAS system options that are set automatically when you invoke SAS. the system configuration file, which is used by all users at your site by default. Your on-site SAS support personnel maintain the system configuration file for your site.
How do I change the configuration file in SAS?
To specify a configuration file, complete one of the following steps:
- specify a configuration file with the CONFIG system option in the SAS command: sas -config filename.
- specify a configuration file in the SASV9_OPTIONS environment variable.
- define the environment variable SASV9_CONFIG.